Trying To (Update You): Of Curveballs and Horror Movie Reviews

So, I’m still alive!

I bet you all missed me terribly.

On a serious note though, life proceeded to throw me a number of curveballs that have completely derailed all attempts at writing, both fiction and non-fiction. As such this blog hasn’t been my main focus, or even a focus at all the past few months. I’m hoping that as I settle into my new routine that I’ll find time and motivation to write proper blog posts again. I’d also like to go back to writing some of my fiction work, specifically my novel and a number of really intriguing short stories that have been pottering around in my brain.

But, let’s move onto what will probably become the main content on the blog for the foreseeable month.

Spooky Pumpkin is spooky.

I’m a huge fan of Halloween, and considering it is now October, this is the month where I splurge and proceed to devour as many horror movies as I can.

I am, however, not very well-versed in the horror genre overall, and so I’ve not see many of the classic horror films that are so well-loved.

I’ve seen maybe like two of these movies/video games. Also, took this from Pintrest, not sure who it belongs to but it belongs to them!

I’ve decided that I’m going to spend some time this month writing reviews for every horror movie I watch, would should be over thirty-one, as I’m going to completely splurge on Halloween night.

The reviews will take on two formats:

  • Full movie review. Basically what it says on the tin. A somewhat in-depth constructive critique of the movie where I’ll discuss most, if not all, of the things I liked/disliked about it.
  • Multiple Movie Summaries. I might not have time to sit down and write full length reviews for each movie I watch in October. As such, I might combine a few of the reviews into shorter, more concise pieces that hit all the basic points I liked and disliked.

So, there we are! My first review will be up sometime later today, and it centres around something that us creative types use quite frequently, whether we wish to or not…

Doesn’t it just give you chills?

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